Designhill is a supportive, respectful, and cheering community of designers passionate about creativity. Artists of all levels of experience and creativity are welcomed here.
Designhill suggests you to not seek or engage with any content that you don’t agree with. In case you find the behaviour or content of any artist violates our guidelines, flag it through an email to our customer support at or submit a request here.
Above all, Designhill advises you all to support the artists of our community. Send your contributions positively to our community. Designhill Artist Community is a fun as well as rewarding platform.
Tag/Group Spamming
Group spamming and tag aren’t allowed. Tag spamming refers to the use of inappropriate words on an artwork. For example, using the tag red on an artwork that’s in black color, or using adult-based tags on kids’ clothing. Group spamming, on the other hand, refers to members continually adding a work that’s irrelevant to the groups like adding animal image to a flower group.
Self promotion
Members are allowed to self promote in the permitted parts of the website for example, profile. They aren’t allowed to do any kind of promotional activities outside the permitted sections. For example, they cannot self promote in the comment section of other member’s work.
Adult Language
Hateful or hurtful use of language is prohibited. However, swearing and using adult language in a generic context is tolerable. Artwork having adult language must be marked or pointed out as Mature Content.
Nudity & Pornography
Nudity, sexual material, explicit display of private parts including but not limited to female to female, male to female, or male to male aren’t allowed.
Images having close-ups of explicit human parts aren’t allowed.
Designhill has a conservative approach as far as children’s images are concerned. Make sure the images of children are appropriately clothed without the exposure of genitalia.
Children’s Clothing Design
For children’s clothing, we also take conservative approach. All your artwork should be appropriate for children of any age group without objectionable associations, for example, violently or sexually suggestive, derogative, mortifying or political phrasing or material. Funny slogans have to undergo testing against a wide range of views. It’s because they may cause unintended or unforeseen offenses. Gender-specific slogans also need meticulous consideration.
Violence & Hatred
Artwork glorifying violence isn’t allowed. It includes pictorial representation of violence, artwork that plays down violent acts. Any work that shows the intent of the artists to create violence or hatred isn’t allowed.
Works dealing with catastrophic events like holocaust or genocide have to be handled with sensitivity. Artworks that have the potential to cause serious distress to the victims may be deleted.
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