In guaranteed contests, you guarantee to the design community that you will choose a winner, so your contest will not be eligible for a refund and cannot ask or claim for a refund.
A Guaranteed contest always attracts a higher percentage of quality designers as in a guaranteed contest a contest holder waives their right to our money back guarantee, thus, promising a payout to the designers. Guaranteed contests always attract more and better quality designers as designers are assured of a payout.
Guaranteed contests are marked as guaranteed on the contest page itself and in the contest listing page, so you can easily see which contests are guaranteed, and which aren’t.
Clients who have initially opted for a Refundable contest option can make their contest Guaranteed by clicking the 'Make Guaranteed' on their contest page.
What happens if a guaranteed contest isn't awarded? Read more here.
Please read our refund policy to understand more about refunds.
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