Your are our esteemed client and at Designhill we are committed to serve you in the best
possible way. While we give our best to make your experience a smooth one, there are few
things we expect from your end to make the overall process easy. Here are some guideline for
our clients who are using Designhill platform
- Be precise and clear - The more clear you are with your design requirement the more
are your chances of getting a design exactly matching your need. An important thing to
keep in mind would be that the designer has zero knowledge about your company and
the design requirement you have. So, try giving him as detailed explanation as possible. - Give Regular Feedback - Once you see entries coming to your design contest start
giving detailed feedback to them. These feedback's can greatly help designers to improve the
design and align it with your choice. - Respect Designhill community - At Designhill, we believe that being polite and
professional goes a long way in building a long-term professional relationship. Therefore,
we expect that you would always be polite and professional to our designer’s and
Designhill staff. - No Objectionable content - Submitting content that has abusive, offensive or
pornographic text, images, etc. is strictly not allowed on Designhill. If someone is found
doing so, then their account would be suspended. - Respect Copyright - Never ask a designer to copy someone else design. You may give
a design for a reference but getting a design copied is not entertained on Designhill. - Be Honest - Our designers work very hard for a competition and as such we expect that
you run a fair contest without any misleading information. Also, Designhill has a zero
tolerance policy against those who create multiple accounts or pursue a fraudulent
We expect that one follows the guideline when using the platform. In case you have any doubt
feel free to contact our support team.
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